The Jerusalem Center

The Jerusalem Center
I get to live here for the next 4 months!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Geography Field Trip

The Field Trip:

Yesterday we went on our first field trip! It was great! To get better oriented with the Jerusalem area we went to five different outlooks surrounding the city. First thing this morning we went to Nabi Samwil, Nabi meaning "prophet" and Samwil is "Samuel" in all making "The prophet Samuel." There is a cenotaph (memorial) dedicated to him in the synagogue. The really neat thing is that this building structure houses both a mosque and a synagogue. It is one place where the Jewish and Muslim get along... or at least will share. As a group we climbed to the roof of the building and looked at the area then went exploring.
Picture: Holly, Me, Sarah, Rachel, Sara on the roof

We also visited Deir Mir Elyas, Haas Promenade, Seven Arches Outlook, and the Victoria Augusta Hospital/Tower/Chapel.

The Victoria Augusta Chapel is beautiful! I love going into these old beautiful churches and seeing their architecture and all the symbolism! The acoustics were incredible and the guide let us sing on the platform so we sang some hymns! It was gorgeous! The Spirit was really strong.
The chapel and tower are actually part of a German Hospital built in the early 1900s. Our guide's name was Nicole (from Germany), she was our age and had only been there for a week longer than we've been here. We were her first tour.
Some Pictures of the Week:

Picture: Yep... that's my new snazzy bag. I'm quite the little bargainer now... ha ha (even though you can't see them I'm wearing my super cute new earrings as well!)

Picture: Orthodox Jew sitting in the market street

Picture: This container is outside the Church of the Holy Sepulcher (traditional sight of the crucifixion) and its used for any "suspicious" object within the area. If you don't get it... this container is to blow things up in.
Funny Story: One of our teachers who was also here before the Center closed in 2000 said that one time a girl left her quad (set of scriptures) in Israel (somewhere) and when some Israelis couldn't identify it they shot it. So she went back to find them and her scriptures had been shot.
A little paronid I think. :)

1 comment:

LaDawn said...

Looks like you are having a great time. Glad to see you got to go around the city. Aren't the old buildings wonderful. Almost a sensory overload there, so many new things to take in. Love seeing all your pictures and news. Brittany says hi. She scored two goals in her soccer game. We miss you.


Mom and Brittany