The Jerusalem Center

The Jerusalem Center
I get to live here for the next 4 months!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

First Days in Jerusalem

Shalom! I am finally in Israel!

My first week at BYU's Jerusalem Center has been very exciting! After we finished all of the orientation meetings (there were plenty of them), figured out all of the policies and procedures, and finally had some free time we went straight into the Old City! It is beautiful in there! All my senses were overloaded with all of the history and culture! I can't believe I get to live here for the next four months!

Last Friday night we went with our Religion professors (Bro. Draper) to see the Western Wall and the Jews celebrating the start of Shabbat. It was so neat to see them celebrate and worship at the wall, and it was fun to see many of the young men who are studying seminary here come and sing and dance to welcome in the Sabbath. I didn't take my camera but hopefully I can get some pictures of the wall before I leave.

On Shabbat (Saturday is the Sabbath) we held Church here in the Jerusalem Center. The branch is small, but wonderful! Each member here has an incredible and unique story. Many of them are working at the US Consulate, some are studying at the Hebrew University, but we make up the vast majority. A small group of us decided to go into the city and spend some time at the Garden Tomb. It was a neat experience to be there, especially on Shabbat. It was so calm and clean compared to the rest of Jerusalem. There are some wonderful British caretakers that are as friendly as can be, they gave us a tour and then we sat for quite a while pondering.

Classes are intense. I've never had so much reading in my life. It's a good thing I like to read, and its a good thing the topics are (for the most part) very interesting. We get to take some very intriguing classes: Ancient Near East Studies (NES), Modern NES with a Palestinian narrative, Modern NES with a Israeli narrative, Old/New Testament, and I'm taking Hebrew as well. It's quite the load, but its especially brutal trying to balance that with playtime in the city.

The people here are wonderful! There are several service couples here along with the faculty/staff. Everyone is so happy and helpful! The students are all great. It's intimidating because they are all smart, but I'm excited to try and create Zion here with them. My roommates are a lot of fun: Sarah, Kendra, and Amy. Due to the lack of space in our room I'm sure we'll become tight friends fast. :)

I've felt rather sick ever since the airplane ride, it makes studying hard. But don't worry... lots of pills, sleep, and prayers will remedy it soon enough. And I'm kinda sad BYU lost to UCLA... oh well... everything can't be perfect I guess!


LaDawn said...


Thanks for your blog. It was great to hear about your trip so far. I even figured out the blog. Sounds like things are going great. Mountain View is playing Timpview on Friday. Who should we cheer for? Things are going great at home. We miss you.

Mom and Dad

stacie loree said...

Carlee!!! Holy cow. It sounds like you're having such an awesome time already. That list of classes is pretty impressive by the way :) i'm only taking 3 classes and I feel overwhelmed. I can't imagine how you feel! That's genius to come up with a blog for eveyone here at home. Cause we DEFINITELY want to hear all the great experienes you'll have! Well, hope you have an awesome time! Peace out babe! ha ha

Ashley said...

Hey Caaaaarlee! I'm super excited to see pictures and hear all about your travels, classes, and experiences! Oh man, I wish I could be there for you when you're sick. I'll pray for your head though! Love, Love!

Tom (aka Dad) said...

Carlee, Your blog is wonderful. I especially like the sticker "my daugher and money go to BYU"

I'm very proud of you. I hope you have a wonderful experience

Love Dad

Anonymous said...

Oh Carlee Anne!
I am so happy for you! Thanks for keeping us so updated! I miss you and how well you know me! Has it been hard to be there and so far from home? I will send you email on facebook. I love you and am so amazed at your really take on life carls! What are you plans for winter? I'm considering staying again for the winter and then going back to BYUI for summer and then on a mission. Love you!