The Jerusalem Center

The Jerusalem Center
I get to live here for the next 4 months!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Time in Galilee

I have been in Galilee for a week now. That is why I haven’t been able to get a blog up because we have very little and expensive access to the Internet here.

I’m in love with the Galilee. I now have a small idea how much Peter, Andrew, James, John and the Savior loved this place. The contrast between Jerusalem and here is huge! Jerusalem is a hubbub where something is always moving, and cars are always honking, and something always smells funny, and the storekeepers are always bargaining, and the cart-movers are always shouting (To be fair…that’s only in the Muslim quarter and East Jerusalem.) But here in the Galilee, sitting on the beach of the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) time seems to stop, and everyone stops with it. We all sit on the beach for hours (we’re not allowed to swim) reading scriptures and pondering the Savior walking along these very shores. It’s the only time I’ve ever heard this whole group be quiet except for maybe in church… ha ha. It’s been a great week to read and really listen to the words of the scriptures.

Every other day we go out on a field trip and then the next day we’ll stay in and have 3 or 4 classes (of New Testament and a sometimes Archaeology). It’s actually really nice because we end up with more free time than usual. Some of the highlights of field trips so far have been the Mount of Beatitudes (location of Sermon on the Mount), Tabgha (Traditional location of the feeding the 5,000), Capernaum, Nimrod’s Castle (no N.T. significance… just a crusader fortress ruins), etc. We’ve had a great time here! My New Testament teacher, Brother Draper, has given several very powerful lectures and I feel like I’ve learned so much this week!

We held Fast and Testimony Meeting in the Galilee Branch House. It is a beautiful structure! It has the most incredible view the sea! Elder Holland referred to it as “The Savior’s Branch,” so I attended the Savior’s branch today. Pretty cool huh! he he. Our meeting was so powerful! The Spirit was definitely able to testify of all the truth that surrounded us.

Crazy that I only have 3 weeks left! I’m really in shock! I’m terribly excited to come home, especially for Christmas, but I can already tell a small part of my heart is going to be left here. I just love it so much!

Anyway, I’m going to wait until I get back to the JC before I write again (that will be the middle of next week)! Mom is was SO good to talk to you the other night! Thanks for putting up with me!

Lots of Love!


Unknown said...

Carlee - I just read many of the amazing experiences you are having and to tell you the truth I found myself a bit jealous! That would be amazing to be where the Savior has been and see the places described in the bible, also to learn so much about the religions and people there. That is so awesome! I hope you soak it all up. Much love!
Josh and Roxanne

LaDawn said...

Sounds like you are still having such an incredible week. What a great opportunity to go to the Savior's Branch. It is so peaceful and beautiful there. I really think that is my favorite spot in Iseral. I'm glad you are having a little more free time but getting some great lectures also.

It was great to talk to you this week too. We are really excited to have you come home too.

Grandpa, Grandma and Cindy came down for BYU Christmas around the world yesterday. We sat on the front row and it was excellent. We took Cindy up to see the new house, but we had a huge snow storm. The van wouldn't make it up the Viewmont hill and the police had the centerstreet hill blocked off (it was a sheet of ice). We went back home and got the jeep. It got us up the hill okay. I am a little nervous for those hills now.

We have lots of snow and everything is beautiful and white. Stake Conference is this morning, but the little kids are sick, so I sent dad with Danielle.

Hope all is going well. Remember to enjoy the rest of your time there. We can't wait to see you. We have your countdown calendar now. That is the one the kids want to kee track of. It is more exciting than Christmas to have you come home.

We Love You Lots!

LaDawn said...

Hey, Cindy wants you to get her a cool purse like your colorful big one in your picture long ago. If you get a chance, she thinks is is great.
