The Jerusalem Center

The Jerusalem Center
I get to live here for the next 4 months!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Separation Wall

Yesterday, Danny Siedmen came and spoke to us about the Separation Wall that the Israelis have put up. I've mentioned some of my feelings on this in an earlier blog (Bethlehem post). We only got to see the Israeli side of it, I wish I had pictures of the Palestinian side. This is 25 foot concrete wall. If I had my notes I'd give you more details. Growing up in the Utah bubble I sometimes find that I can't comprehend the hatred people have towards each other. Why do people want to kill each other? Why do we let things like this happen? In my New Testament class we're studying the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD. I never understood that it wasn't just the Romans who destroyed Jerusalem. At the time there were 3 million Jews who had fled to Jerusalem, a city that can comfortably hold about 150,000. The Roman siege lasted three years, but during those three years the Jews fought each other. They didn't just fight, they committed mass murder. I just keep thinking... why do we do this to each other? But I already know the answer, "when iniquity abounds the love of men shall wax cold" (JSM 1:10,30). Our answer is in the light and truth the gospel brings.

1 comment:

LaDawn said...


The wall is very interesting. So sad that they feel they have to put it up. It is hard to understand the hate people have against each other. It seem so sad and alot of wasted time. I suppose it is hard for us to understand that thought process.

Well, are you counting the days down. The kids sure are. The Carlee countdown calendar is the one they all want to change first. They are really excited to see you. It's hard to believe that you have been gone that long. It has gone fast in some ways and slow in some way. I'm sure you feel the same way.

We are all doing great. Staying busy with the holidays. Dad's christmas party is tomorrow in park city. There is suppose to be a storm, so I am hoping all is well. Have a great time this week. Keep smiling and we love you.

Brandon and Brittany send their love and say HI!

Love you lots,
