The Jerusalem Center

The Jerusalem Center
I get to live here for the next 4 months!

Thursday, December 13, 2007


I'm on the final stroke! We have our last two finals today and Sunday. Ah! I regret to report that I haven't been out in almost a week. Everyone went on a field trip to Tel Aviv, but Rachel and I stayed behind since she is super sick and I was suffering from a migraine. As soon as finals are out of the way it will be so nice! Right now we're just trying to survive and not be sick when we get home for Christmas!

I have so much more to say but everyone is studying without me so I've got to go! Wish me luck on my finals!

7 Days and counting!

Lots of Love!

1 comment:

LaDawn said...


So did you make it thru finals? I hope you are smiling. Congratulations, please have fun this last week. Make a few more great memories. Your box arrived a couple days ago, so it is here. I just left both of them in my office downstairs for you.

It sounds like your concert was wonderful last week. I bet is was really special singing Christmas song in the Holy Land.

We are counting down the days and are so excited to have you come home. I can't believe that you will be here. Brant got home on Thursday, but we haven't seen him yet. It's amazing how fast time fly's by. Our ward Chritmas breakfast is this morning. Brittany is a shepard in the program. It is always nice to just have a morning to visit.

Dad and I are going to our first BYU basketball game tonight. Brian gave dad great tickets, so we should have fun. Dad already started meeting with Craig, so it keeps him busy with year end stuff.

Did you read over the Colony contract. Does it sound okay for me to sign it and send it back?

We are all doing great and keeping busy. Remember to enjoy and DO NOT GET SICK! We love you and are glad you have had this experience.

Brittany says hi, she misses you.

We Love You,

Mom and Brittany