The Jerusalem Center

The Jerusalem Center
I get to live here for the next 4 months!

Sunday, December 16, 2007


As of 4:26pm of December 16, 2007AD we were officially declared DONE with finals! Celebrate!

Yesterday was our last Shabbat! President Hayes stood up to conduct the branch and he had to announce the students would be leaving on Thursday. He got a little choked up... and we all lost it pretty quickly! We had a special Sacrament Meeting with a couple of Christmas musical numbers and a few testimonies. It was wonderful. I don't think there was a dry eye in the whole building... yeah I'm pretty sure there wasn't one.
The rest of Shabbat was equally wonderful! One of the girls here has been stuck in the hospital for a couple of days with an eye infection. She's been stuck in an Israeli the hallway no less. So yesterday Rachel and I went and hung out with her for a couple of hours. We had a lot of fun! The Priesthood also brought her the Sacrament. We had a wonderful testimony meeting in a remote hallway in the Israeli hospital. It's a memory I'll never forget! The Spirit was so powerful!
Last week we went to the Church of Mary Magdalene. Here are some pics:

We also had a bunch a field trips that I didn't get to blog about. My apologies! This picture is the sepulcher inside the Church of the Holy Sepulcher that we got to go inside finally. Normally there is a line an hour long to get inside (we walked right in).

Did I mention it's been super cold. When I say cold... I mean its not as cold as Utah or Idaho, but still enough that I had to buy slippers. (In all honestly I bought the slippers to meet dress code since we're not allowed to run around without shoes...I'm working the system!)

Anyhow, we have two last field trips this week, one last free day, and then we head to the airport! AHHHHH!
4 days and counting! I'm headed straight to Bajio!
Lots of Love!


LaDawn said...


I love all your new pictures. You look like you are having lots of fun but freezing. Make sure you bring your slippers home, you will need them.

Have a great day.

I Love You!


Me said...

sounds like a blast! You almost talked me into going next semester... almost... But I'm just too Hawaiian... Love ya Carls, Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

Alexana said...

YOU work the system??? NO WAY!:D