The Jerusalem Center

The Jerusalem Center
I get to live here for the next 4 months!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Tidings of Great Joy:

#1 Today we had a very exciting thing happen... we finally made it onto the Temple Mount! They only open it for about an hour each day (if that). We got out of class early today and so we decided to try and get on! Let me help you understand: Some people have tried 10 times to get on before today but they wouldn't let them on. So today we got super lucky that we were able to get on and look around for a couple minutes before they kicked us off. It was really neat! We are desperately trying to get a tour of the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Asqa Mosque, but they haven't done that since before the Jerusalem Center closed. They are really picky who they let in now (obviously). But it would be really cool!

#2 Got a Falafel today! Hmmm! What a wonderful invention!

#3 IT ALMOST RAINED TODAY! It was overcast for the first time the whole time we've been here! It was exciting... it almost felt like fall!

#4 Old Testament Final is done and overwith... Happy Day, All is Well!

Hope you are having as many great tidings as I am! ha ha!

Lots of Love!


LaDawn said...


Glad you enjoyed a falafel. They are pretty intesting. And I have always enjoyed hazelnut candybars. We can find them in Europe and they are delicious.

Glad to hear you had a happy day with your finals over. Hope they went well. It is pretty neat up on the temple mount. I hope you get to tour the dome of the rock before you come home. It is so simple inside. Pretty amazing to see though.

All is well at home today. The weather is a beautiful fall day. We have had a gorgeous fall this year. Have a great day.

Love you lots,


Anonymous said...

Carlee! I LOVE HAZELNUT - and Kit Kats are my FAVORITE!!!!!

Enjoy one... or 10 for me!!!

Love ya girl.