The Jerusalem Center

The Jerusalem Center
I get to live here for the next 4 months!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Home from Jordan

Wow... keeping this thing updated is hard! Well I'm home from Jordan it was a good experience. Petra is my all time favorite! However, this isn't going to be my Jordan blog because I don't have my pictures here so you'll have to wait until tomorrow or so for that blog. Until then... I'll catch you up on what I've done SINCE we got home!

Yesterday we had a free day to recuperate from Jordan. I got to sleep in until 7am! It was wonderful! In the afternoon we went and played ULTIMATE FRISBEE! It was heaven sent... really! It's been much to long since I've played. (Shalyn made me jealous talking about her ultimate team she's coaching! ;) ) I had so much fun! I guess I surprised a couple of the guys... somehow they didn't know how competitive I was until yesterday. Funny! (Boy was that a shocker for them.)

After our sweaty afternoon a group of us went with my Jewish teacher to Shabbat service at his synagogue. It was incredible! Thankfully they had a prayerbook that had English translations next to the Hebrew (and lots of helpful hints along the way). It was absolutely beautiful how they welcomed in the Sabbath! I never realized how closely related we are to Judaism, but when I looked at the prayerbook and it was all praises of God and singing of his goodness I was really touched! The Spirit was strong in that meeting for me! I learned a lot (not just about Judaism, but about myself as well)!

Then in the evening we had our first annual SpookFest in the Shalom Shack (snack bar). Since we missed Halloween while we were in Jordan we all dressed up and danced and played games. I spent almost an hour trying to curl Ryan's hair so that he would like James. I wasn't planning on going but got some last minute help and had a costume dumped in my hands: I was a gangsta! (yeah yeah I know) I actually was told by several people I pull it off well... ha ha. We had a good time!

That leaves us at today, Shabbat. We had fast and testimony meeting today! It was a really powerful meeting! I love how the students have grown so close together! We've really been able to learn from each other!

Anyway I'm going to run! I'll get my Jordan blog/pictures up soon!
Lots of Love!



LaDawn said...


Sounds like you had a wonderful time in Jordan. I can't wait to see your pictures. You have really been busy since you got back. Sounds like lots of fun. I was glad you got to play frisbee, but a little surprised the boys didn't know how competitive you are.

We are off to the BYU ballgame. It is a perfect fall day, so we should have a great time. Grandpa and Grandma were coming down, but grandma got sick and they didn't come. Hope she gets feeling better soon.

Sound like you had a fun halloween party. I hope you took pictures.

Glad you made it back safe and sound. Call us when you get a chance. I tried calling you a few minutes ago, but it would be 6:00 pm your time. You were probably at dinner. Sunday at the Synagoge sounds so interesting, I'm glad you were able to have that experience.

Keep smiling and we love you lots.


Me said...


Hey, I've been working on emailing you back since the last email you sent me. But it is still in the process... It's still a draft in my gmail... but it does get bigger every now and again...

Anyhow, So it sounds like so much fun... Really...

Anyway, I just wanted you to know that I am alive, and I've been keeping up with reading the blog... keep updating... cause I'm really loving your adventures...