The Jerusalem Center

The Jerusalem Center
I get to live here for the next 4 months!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

This Week in Review

This week was a really good week. Our Palestinian class teacher couldn't get a visa out of West Bank into Israel so we didn't have half our classes this week (don't worry he'll be back next week). So we ended up with quite a lot of free time... my favorite! We got back from Egypt on Sunday then had our Conquest Field Trip on Wednesday and our Judges Field Trip yesterday. It was way fun!

Conquest Field Trip:
In Old Testament we were studying Joshua and his conquest of the Canaanites and settlement of Israel. So we do what we always do here... took a field trip. We visited both the Old and New Testament Jericho Tels (archaeological sites) and of course to get there we went through modern Jericho. I've now been in the oldest continually inhabited city in the world. wahoo! It was actually a really neat place. We also visited Quruntful Monastery which is traditionally where Satan tempted Christ to turn the stone into bread. They built this monastery right up on the cliff face. Crazy... the picture to the right is looking out from there over Jericho.

After we got back we went into the Old City for a little while. We tried to go a couple places but ended up St. George's Cathedral and sang hymns (from their hymn book) for a half hour or so. It was nice. There was a young man who sat down next to us and listened and Ashley and I had a neat conversation with him afterwards. I love the people here.

Judges Field Trip:
So we moved on and are studying the time and book of Judges. So we took another field trip. (jealous yet?) We went all over the place! We stopped at Bet Shemesh (once the residence of the Ark of the Covenant), Azekah, Elah Valley (place where David slew Goliath... and I learned how to use a sling), Bet Guvrin, Lachish, and Micah's cave (where we explored all these caves which was by far the most fun). It was a good day! Lots of learning! Pictures: Me, Risa, and Craig in the caves
Most grateful moment of the week: when Karey killed the ginormous spider that was in our room! It was sick! It gushed guts everywhere... don't worry I took a picture. :)
Most happy moment this week: getting to watch the first General Conference session live! We also got to watch the Relief Society rebroadcast at 7am this morning. It is so good to hear the words of the Lord from his servants!
Well we are headed to Galilee tomorrow for an overnight field trip. I'll be sure to update when I return!
Love ya lots!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Carlee--It looks like you are having a wonderful time. We wish we could be there with you. Conference was great. Did you get to watch it or listen to it. Everyone is doing good in this end of Utah. Grandma and Grandpa went to the lake for conference. It snowed on conference weekend--just in the mountains, but they were white. Kristi is busy as ever. The boys had fun with her this past weekend because she had a sleepover for two nights. Jacob is getting ready to send his papers in for his mission. He has to go to the doctor, dentist and get his wisdom teeth out, they should be in by the end of the month. Hope all is well, We miss you and think of you.