The Jerusalem Center

The Jerusalem Center
I get to live here for the next 4 months!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

My Exodus to the Land of the Pharaohs

Well hello again! I know you all missed me! So basically I just had the time of my life! Egypt is incredible! Since there is hardly a way to tell you everything I did I'm just going to give you a basic outline... and pictures of course! (plus I know that's all you really want anyway)

Sunday (the 23) Israel/Egypt
On our first day we made a few stops on our way out of the country. We stopped at Tel Beersheba the place where Abraham dug a well and kept his family (as well as Issac and Jacob). It was really neat since its an active dig site. Then we went to an amazing overlook of the Zin Wilderness where the Children of Israel dwelt for a time (it was also David ben Gurion's grave). That was amazing to see! That is really the desert! Holy cow! It was cool though! And then a couple of hours later we visited our first Kubbutz, a small township that basically practices socialism... very communal living. It was neat to see. There are several of them in the Negev Desert (where there isn't anything else out there). Picture: Holli and I at Tel Beersheba with hardhats and everything!

Monday (the 24) Cairo
Well we drove in the bus... for a LONG time! Then we sat at border control for a LONG time. Finally we made it to Cairo! Phew! Then we swam the night away at the hotel. (Oh and I got asked to speak at Sacrament Mtg. see Sat.) That was about it. Picture: Rachel and I outside border control

Tuesday (the 25) Cairo
Basically the best day ever! We did so much! We started off the day going to the Pyramids at Giza! Wahoo! We went up through one of them. Talk about tight places. It was cool though. Its quite the grand piece of work for such a small room. After that we went on a camel ride... and I officially decided I don't like camels. I'll take a horse anyday. Then we went see the Sphinx, a mastaba (tomb of a wealthy ancient with original paintings), Zoser Pyramid (the first ancient step pyramid), and then a quick stop in Memphis. It was a busy day, but incredible. Then we took an overnight train to Luxor. I'm not going to lie... I was afraid it was going to fall apart on us. Needless to say... it was a long night! Left: Me and the Pyramid. Below: Me and the Camel

Wednesday (the 26) Luxor
Besides the fact that I was just really grateful to get off the train this day was probably tied for my favorite. We went to: Valley of the Kings (including King Tut's tomb), Hatshepsut's Temple which is carved into the Mountain, the Mortuary Temple of Ramses III, Colossi Memnon, and then that evening went on a Faluka ride and watched the sun set over the Nile (and danced to funny Arabic songs). It was so much fun! I learned a lot about Egyptology and decided I would really like to learn more. Bro. Draper has had a few informal lectures about Abraham 1, and the facsimiles, and lots of ancient Egyptian history that is very applicable to us and I absolutely love it! Sometime I'll have to share all the things I've learned! When I have a couple extra hours... :) Pictures: hierogliphics, a faluka on the nile

Thursday (the 27) Luxor
Okay... maybe this was another one of my favorite days. I can't pick just one okay. We visited the Karnak temple which is pretty much the coolest temple of them all (trust me... we have seen them all). There were so many interesting "doctrinal debris" as Bro. Draper calls it. Seriously though... I can't wait to go through our own temple and it will probably help with understanding. The Egyptians sure did have some truth. I liked a quote I heard about the Egyptians by President Kimball, he said that the Egyptians were very interested in finding the key to the eternities, immortality, and deity. However, they found many keys and for fear of selecting the wrong one wouldn't let any of them go and thus became their downfall. But I think they had been given several chances by the Lord to have the right one, they just wouldn't commit. It has some interesting applications I think. Anyway... took a carriage ride, had some free time, shopped, visited the Luxor temple, and then jumped on a plane and finally headed back to Cairo. Picture: Bro. Draper (my) class at Karnak temple (I'm now officially the class photographer)

Friday (the 28) Cairo
We visited Old Cairo (it was okay). The best part of the day was when we went to the Khan al Kalili Bazaar. I now have quite the reputation as the bargainer to stick with. ha ha... really. I had fun getting my prices and debating with merchants. Who would have thought? ha ha. Picture: Me, Sarah, Stephanie, Karey, Rachel, and Kayla

Saturday (the 29) Cairo

First thing on Saturday we went to Muhammad Ali Mosque which was really neat. I liked it. Then we visited some not so exciting things around the city so I won't bore you with that (well not exciting compared with the rest of the week).

We then traveled to Sinai and had Sacrament Meeting at the hotel that night. President Hayes asked me to speak for Sacrament. That was an interesting experience. First of all we had just traveled approx 6 hours on a bus after a long day out. Second we were holding the meeting in a restaurant at 10 at night. But I really appreciated the opportunity to do it. I spoke about trusting in the Lord, and it fit perfectly with Brooklyn speaking on enduring to the end, and Trevor speaking on finding joy. A lot of us needed it. Then we went to bed at 11pm and woke up at 1am to hike Mt. Sinai. (That would equal 2 hours of sleep if you wanted to know.) Picture: Mosque

Sunday (the 30) Sinai
Well we woke up at 1am and hiked Mount Sinai. We got to the top an hour early for sunrise, so we all slept at the top. It was a really neat experience and breath-taking! The Sinai desert has its own unique beauty. There were 787 stairs to get from the last stop to the top, but we did it! But by the time we got down I was ready to go home... to Jerusalem. Everyone slept on the bus. We got stuck at border control for even longer this time so we went and played on the beach of the Red Sea. Finally at 10pm we made it home. Honestly the highlight of my day was taking to Russ and the family when we finally made it back. So family... just know you beat Mt. Sinai. That's how much I love you! ha ha! Above: Me on Sinai. Below: the sun rising

Well this was quite the longwinded blog. My apologies. I promise I won't burden you like this very often.
I love ya! Thanks for your prayers! And I definitely need more emails from everyone!



LaDawn said...


Loved seeing your pictures from Egypt. Looks like the camel is your new best friend. Sounds like you had quite and adventure and alot of great new experiences. I'm glad to know that you are the official photographer and that you made it to the top of Sinai.

I was especially happy to know that we were at the top of your list of fun for calling home. It was lots of fun to talk with you.

Have a great week!

Love You lots,


Ostlers said...

Dear Carlee,
We awaited this update, knowing how incredible Egypt is and so many things to do and see in such a short time. We are sure that you must be the highlight of the students on the program. We should have told you to seek out a certain dealer at the Khan al Kalili Bazaar, but we cannot remember his name and we will have to wait to find him again ourselves. He thought that Daniel was the greatest bargainer he had ever met (especially as a 8 year old). So what great deals did you make?
We have never ridden the Luxor train, but you make it sound like it is just this side of a nightmare.
Thanks for such great entries, we are looking forward to more.
Craig and Sandy Ostler

LaDawn said...


We like your camel picture. Did you get to climb the pyrmid? We are going to Florida on Saturday. We are really excited. We got to see Russ on Sunday. It was fun to play with all our cousins.

We miss you lots and like your pictures.

Love you,

Brandon and Brittany