The Jerusalem Center

The Jerusalem Center
I get to live here for the next 4 months!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Boker Tov: Good Morning

Hey! What a good week!

Classes are crazy as always! We're starting mid-terms which is no fun at all!

We picked olives for three days after class so we can crush them this week. It was a lot of fun! I miss climbing trees! Life is good when you have trees to climb! :) Even though my bucket is empty I promise I picked some!

The highlight of my week was going to the Garden of Gethsemane. We went yesterday on Shabbat after church. To get there we walked through Orson Hyde Park which is also very beautiful. We asked if we could sit in one of the side gardens at Gethsemane that was locked because they don't let many tourists in there... excepts the Mormons. It was beautiful, and surprisingly quiet and peaceful. Wow... that is all I can say to describe it.

One of my roommates and another one of my really good friends received their mission calls this week so the JC has been full of excitement! Sarah is going to France, Rachel is headed to Spain! I'm so excited for them! (Maybe a little jealous even ;) ) I even guessed Sarah's call right on! Wahoo! I won some TimTams and am ready for a TimTam Slam baby! Ha ha! Hmmmmmm... so good! Well I have to run to class... (eck)

Lots of Love!


1 comment:

LaDawn said...


I finally was able to get to dad's internet. Mine is still down. Was fun to see your new pictures. We are doing great this week. We just went to the primary halloween party. The kids had a really fun time. Was great to talk with you the other day. Dad and I had fun in Salt Lake for our anniversary. Amazing it has been 23 years. Sound like you have had some great trips.

Keep smiling and good luck with all your decisions. Love you lots!
