The Jerusalem Center

The Jerusalem Center
I get to live here for the next 4 months!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

He lives

In 3 hours I head to the airport. In 7 hours my flight takes off. In 29 hours I will be home... home sweet home. My heart is having mixed emotions. I'm so excited to come home to family, friends, and CHRISTMAS! But I'm sad to leave this place that I've come to love so much!

When we had our New Testament Final I had to write an essay on what I thought the second most important thing the Savior did on earth besides the Atonement and Resurrection. I chose a more personal aspect. The second most important thing to me was to understand the personal, intimate relationships the Savior had with people. I used the story in John 9 of the man born blind that Jesus healed. When this man refuse to reject the man who healed him he was excommunicated and ostracized from society. But the Savior came to him, and brought the comfort and peace that only the Savior can bring. The next example I used was Christ's relationship with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. When Lazarus died and Jesus knew what would happen, but he also knew the pain of his friends and "Jesus wept." He is always there for us. He knows us. He knows our struggles and our trials. He knows the desires of our heart. And sometimes... he cries with us because of our pain even though he knows the outcome. The last example I used was John 20 and the interaction between Mary Magdalene and the resurrected Savior. Brother Draper made a clarification for us in class, when Christ says to "touch me not for I have not yet ascended to Father," the Greek text is more like, "Cease embracing me for I have not yet ascended unto my Father." I love the image of Christ again bringing the comfort and peace Mary needed. She loved him so much, as did Lazarus, Mary, Martha, and the man born blind, and the established such personal, loving relationships with the Lord. Another observation that I had was that each of these people the Lord not only healed physically, but spiritually too.

That was what my semester at the BYU Jerusalem Center was all about: To come to know the Savior personally and intimately. I've come to know the places Christ loved, the teachings he taught, the culture he lived in, the friends he had, the miracles he did, the struggles and experiences he had on Earth. With my own testimony of Jesus as the Messiah I've come to know what Jesus was like as a man.

I don't know if it's kosher (pardon my pun) to share my testimony on a blog, but I am...

He lives. I know that with all of my heart! He suffered and died as an infinite atonement for us. And then he was resurrected. He has shown us the way because he is the light. I love him with all my heart. So I want you to know, that I know, that...

He lives.

Merry Christmas!
I'll see you in a couple of hours!
Lots of Love!

Sunday, December 16, 2007


As of 4:26pm of December 16, 2007AD we were officially declared DONE with finals! Celebrate!

Yesterday was our last Shabbat! President Hayes stood up to conduct the branch and he had to announce the students would be leaving on Thursday. He got a little choked up... and we all lost it pretty quickly! We had a special Sacrament Meeting with a couple of Christmas musical numbers and a few testimonies. It was wonderful. I don't think there was a dry eye in the whole building... yeah I'm pretty sure there wasn't one.
The rest of Shabbat was equally wonderful! One of the girls here has been stuck in the hospital for a couple of days with an eye infection. She's been stuck in an Israeli the hallway no less. So yesterday Rachel and I went and hung out with her for a couple of hours. We had a lot of fun! The Priesthood also brought her the Sacrament. We had a wonderful testimony meeting in a remote hallway in the Israeli hospital. It's a memory I'll never forget! The Spirit was so powerful!
Last week we went to the Church of Mary Magdalene. Here are some pics:

We also had a bunch a field trips that I didn't get to blog about. My apologies! This picture is the sepulcher inside the Church of the Holy Sepulcher that we got to go inside finally. Normally there is a line an hour long to get inside (we walked right in).

Did I mention it's been super cold. When I say cold... I mean its not as cold as Utah or Idaho, but still enough that I had to buy slippers. (In all honestly I bought the slippers to meet dress code since we're not allowed to run around without shoes...I'm working the system!)

Anyhow, we have two last field trips this week, one last free day, and then we head to the airport! AHHHHH!
4 days and counting! I'm headed straight to Bajio!
Lots of Love!

Thursday, December 13, 2007


I'm on the final stroke! We have our last two finals today and Sunday. Ah! I regret to report that I haven't been out in almost a week. Everyone went on a field trip to Tel Aviv, but Rachel and I stayed behind since she is super sick and I was suffering from a migraine. As soon as finals are out of the way it will be so nice! Right now we're just trying to survive and not be sick when we get home for Christmas!

I have so much more to say but everyone is studying without me so I've got to go! Wish me luck on my finals!

7 Days and counting!

Lots of Love!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

We wish you a Merry Christmas...

I had my first ever Choir Concert last night. Every week the Center puts on a concert for the community. They get some really amazing people to come and perform. Last night the student choir sang Christmas hymns/carols for everyone. We've been working on it for awhile, but we kept getting new songs up until Saturday morning (concert was Sunday night). We did really well, with a few small exceptions. The music was beautiful! It was a neat experience to sing song of Christ for some of those who are from this community. The Spirit was present and I know that it really touched several hearts! I got a few kisses from a couple of little old ladies on their way out. They seemed genuinely uplifted.

11 Days and counting! I can't believe I'm headed home soon! It's a bittersweet thing!

Lots of Love!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Separation Wall

Yesterday, Danny Siedmen came and spoke to us about the Separation Wall that the Israelis have put up. I've mentioned some of my feelings on this in an earlier blog (Bethlehem post). We only got to see the Israeli side of it, I wish I had pictures of the Palestinian side. This is 25 foot concrete wall. If I had my notes I'd give you more details. Growing up in the Utah bubble I sometimes find that I can't comprehend the hatred people have towards each other. Why do people want to kill each other? Why do we let things like this happen? In my New Testament class we're studying the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD. I never understood that it wasn't just the Romans who destroyed Jerusalem. At the time there were 3 million Jews who had fled to Jerusalem, a city that can comfortably hold about 150,000. The Roman siege lasted three years, but during those three years the Jews fought each other. They didn't just fight, they committed mass murder. I just keep thinking... why do we do this to each other? But I already know the answer, "when iniquity abounds the love of men shall wax cold" (JSM 1:10,30). Our answer is in the light and truth the gospel brings.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Time in Galilee

I have been in Galilee for a week now. That is why I haven’t been able to get a blog up because we have very little and expensive access to the Internet here.

I’m in love with the Galilee. I now have a small idea how much Peter, Andrew, James, John and the Savior loved this place. The contrast between Jerusalem and here is huge! Jerusalem is a hubbub where something is always moving, and cars are always honking, and something always smells funny, and the storekeepers are always bargaining, and the cart-movers are always shouting (To be fair…that’s only in the Muslim quarter and East Jerusalem.) But here in the Galilee, sitting on the beach of the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee) time seems to stop, and everyone stops with it. We all sit on the beach for hours (we’re not allowed to swim) reading scriptures and pondering the Savior walking along these very shores. It’s the only time I’ve ever heard this whole group be quiet except for maybe in church… ha ha. It’s been a great week to read and really listen to the words of the scriptures.

Every other day we go out on a field trip and then the next day we’ll stay in and have 3 or 4 classes (of New Testament and a sometimes Archaeology). It’s actually really nice because we end up with more free time than usual. Some of the highlights of field trips so far have been the Mount of Beatitudes (location of Sermon on the Mount), Tabgha (Traditional location of the feeding the 5,000), Capernaum, Nimrod’s Castle (no N.T. significance… just a crusader fortress ruins), etc. We’ve had a great time here! My New Testament teacher, Brother Draper, has given several very powerful lectures and I feel like I’ve learned so much this week!

We held Fast and Testimony Meeting in the Galilee Branch House. It is a beautiful structure! It has the most incredible view the sea! Elder Holland referred to it as “The Savior’s Branch,” so I attended the Savior’s branch today. Pretty cool huh! he he. Our meeting was so powerful! The Spirit was definitely able to testify of all the truth that surrounded us.

Crazy that I only have 3 weeks left! I’m really in shock! I’m terribly excited to come home, especially for Christmas, but I can already tell a small part of my heart is going to be left here. I just love it so much!

Anyway, I’m going to wait until I get back to the JC before I write again (that will be the middle of next week)! Mom is was SO good to talk to you the other night! Thanks for putting up with me!

Lots of Love!